Monday, November 14, 2005

12 hours to go.

Tomorrow I take the pigs to the butcher. I'm not so thrilled about it actually. I don't really like them very much but they are very much alive. Tonight I went out to dump a tarp full of leaves prior to the rain tommorrow and happend to walk past the pig pen. Both pigs were sleeping peacefully side by side in a pile of leaves under a very full moon. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
My dad is coming up to help get them into my truck and from there down the road a few miles to the Windham Butcher. There we unload them down a ramp into a holding pen. They hang out there for the day and then Wednesday morning they are "processed".
If anyone would like a cleansing mud bath we have 10" of the finest organic mud and I would imagine we'll have the aromatic bath for quite a while still but we will still require reservations. I'd actually love to toss a few key people in there. You can mentally get in yourself, or toss certain people in if you need to. If you do imagine it please keep it G rated and please hose them off after and bring them some clean dry clothes. goodnight.


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